Events from the 9th Anniversary of the Invasion of Afghanistan

To mark the 9th anniversary of the Afghanistan War, SDS hosted a march and a rally/speak out session around campus and in front of the MD Anderson Library.

We spoke about the significance of the war being the longest in history, and how the financial burden of the war has an effect on raising tuition rates, and the increasing inaccesibility of higher education. We also brought up how the UH endowment is invested in at least two war profiteers, Lockheed Martin, and Halliburton. A UH faculty member came out to support the rally, and gave some powerful insight about the war.

We got a good amount of attention at some positive feedback. One of our members was asked to not wear a bandana with peace signs on it, symbolizing a “veil of peace” because the police said he looked threatening, and claimed to have gotten several complaints about his appearance from students. (pictured above with bandana lowered).

The teach in was a big success. We had a significant turnout, and Dr. Buzzanco gave a great talk about the history of US involvement in Afghanistan, dating back to the US’s backing of the Taliban during the cold war, and the planning of Unical’s Central Asian pipeline in the late seventies and early eighties. We followed him with a brief presentation and a video about Afghan people’s opinions of the war.


One response to “Events from the 9th Anniversary of the Invasion of Afghanistan

  1. Well done, and your efforts are appreciated. Actually, YOU GUYS are the true patriots. Anyone who remains quiet out of ‘loyalty’ when the captian is steering the ship into the rocks is doing their society no service. And Bob Buzzanco- the guy is way cool. UH students, do yourself a favor . . . Regardless of your major, sign up for his classes. I’ve met people in banking who look back at their years at UH and say the courses with Bob were the highlight of their education.

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